I was looking forward to the 31st of July since the last few days ever since it was announced that this would be the day for Sanjay Dutt's sentencing. As the day dawned Sanjay Dutt slipped out of my mind, well had stuff to take care of and places to go to. Although I was hoping Sanjay Dutt would be let of with a lighter verdict.
Sanjay Dutt has always been my favourite movie star of all time, ever since Khalnayak. I remember my self taking part in the fancy dress competitions in my building dressed as Sanju baba from Khalnayak. We've literaly grown up watching Sanjay Dutt movies. Watchin Khalnayak in the cinema long long time ago sent chills down my little spine, especially in the scene when Police officer Jackie Shroff beats up the criminal Sanjay Dutt. I so hated Jaggu dada at that moment. I vaguely think back to that day in theater, calling back to those whistels and cheers when Sanjay Dutt broke into the song 'Nayak Nahi Khalnayak hoon mein...' wearing a pecuilar outfit. Well that movie was a blockbuster a movie that none had ever experienced before.

Those were the early 90's the years when the image of Sanjay Dutt was begininning to build from a boy in 'Rocky' to a man, a performer in 'Khalnayak'. And then suddenly it all came crashing down for the man and for us his fans. Sanjay Dutt was arrested and jailed for 18 months. I couldnt tell between reality and fiction back then and was convinced that Sanjat Dutt was solely responsible for the bomb blasts (he played a baddie in Khalnayak :P ). If one looks back it was sort of a blurred line between the real and the reel.
A year and a half later Sanjay Dutt was a free man. He was attending film awards ala the Filmfare awards 1996 when he walked the stage along with all the other baddies of the film industry. I had a huge grin on my face that day. My Favourite movie star was free again.
However, Some of Sanjay Dutt's best performances were yet to come Vaastav got the man his first and only filmfare award as 'best male actor'. Vaastav for me was his finest performance, the man acted like a million bucks. During the late nineties there was those comedy movies along with david dhawan and govinda, which were quiet ok i'd say.
But Munnabhai changed everything. It was a role that every guy could relate to. The attributes of Munnbhai everyone wanted to have. People couldnt get enough of Munnabhai and Circuit.
A Couple of years later came Lage Raho Munnabhai The best movie i'd ever seen. I was overjoyed, the man whose movies i'd grown up watching had given us a movie we could all enjoy. The Goodness of Munnbhai rubbed off on everyone who seen the movie. People were inspired by this character.
And the came 31st July. Sanjay Dutts jounrey from Rocky to Munnabhai all came down to this one day. When i switched on the news at 2.20 pm the News Flash ticker had the following words 'Dutt gets 6 years in jail' I was to shocked to react, that spoon full of dal and rice never reached my mouth it just stopped mid way. I was unhappy to say the least, more than sadness i felt a sense of anger when I heard Kirron Kher speaking on Times Now, she said something powerful and true 'Rapists and murderers are sitting in the Lok Sabha, and a nice man like Sanjay Dutt gets 6 years in jail'. For a few moments I couldnt believe what I was watching as I've mentioned earlier he was the man whose movies we grew up watching, he was the man who had given us moments of cinematic joy and thrill over the years, a man who according to most had been punished enough already before. Did he deserve this? To add to my agony stupid news channels like Aaj Tak interviewed comman people on the street in Delhi who had zilch knowledge about the case, they branded him 'a terrorist' those fuckin morons didnt realise that this same court had aquitted Sanjay Dutt from all charges of him being a terrorist.

Although, I feel that the Indian Judiciary did nothing wrong today. It had a set of laws and procedures to abide by. It was like a bittersweet symphony. Most people seemed ok with the verdict calling it a victory of the judiciary the others were sad and doleful. For most their hero had gone for 6 years. Like me many quiet liked the personality and the persona that was Sanjay Dutt.
As I look back, from the day I watched my first movie of his 'Naam' till today 31st July. I see a star who was troubled and punished over the years (from drugs to illegal possesion of weapons). I know the goodness of Munnabhai cannot change what has happend today. He sadly will be remembered for this judgement rather than the coloussus screen persona that was Sanjay Dutt.
i highly doubt that he will be remembered for this rather than his acting... but never the less one has to take into consideration how fucked up he was back then, young, arrogant drugs and obviously never had the right connections...
even i think that 6 years is a little to harsh on the guy considering how well and to the extent at which he has sobered down from what he was, more or less because of the effect his father on him i guess...
but we'll see how it turns out, SC appeal remains.
yeah!...he was bloody arrogant, my mom once told me a story of his. My mom's cousin was gettin married, Nargis Dutt was present at the wedding, hours later a 17 year old drunk Sanjay Dutt came in and shouted at his mom for some reason...
was quiet a wild child
OMG...im so shocked..i had no clue all this happened ..this is nuts...n 6 years is jst wayyyyy too mch!! I jst cant believe it....if i had not read ur blog i wud have not known abt this...
He is such a great actor ya... i wish it was not soo long...this is jst crazyyy!
well...i think he will get a bail soon.....he shld get man....
I have always seen the nicer side of sanjay dutt, have always ignored the baddie tht he was\is....
for me he is cool, dashing, a rockstar & above all 1 helluva actor....
well even tho u dint tag me in d note uv ritin im still gona comment.
well let me 1st strt of by sayin..this was very well ritin..im impressed..uv come a long way rahul...
anyway sanjay dutt..i love him..hu doesnt? obv we wudnt want sum1 we love 2 go thru such shit..but y does evry1 fail 2 understand dat d dam govt, d laws..dey dont work emotionally...if it had 2 den god alone noz how fuked up india wud b...i agree 6yrs is 2 much..but wasnt 5yrs d max 4 him anyway..i no 6yrs is harsh n acc 2 me d court gave this order 2 prove a dam point dat superstars n d comman man r all equal b4 d law.. n dats y deyv gone xtreme.
'Rapists and murderers are sitting in the Lok Sabha, and a nice man like Sanjay Dutt gets 6 years in jail'. i agree wid dat statement, i totally do.
i rem wen i saw d news i was shocked..but nothin can b done..it was sanjay dutts mistake 2..i mean a few yrs bak he was younger n foolish..n did wt he had 2 not thinkin of wt d future will keep in store 4 him.
i feel bad 4 him, really do, n i jus hope he comes out strong..its a very sad thing dats happend bt den dats life..rarely fair n majorly unfair...
i think he deserved it every part of his punishment......meanin rathr than seein him as a hero who has potrayed characters in vatas nd munabhai which are highly commendable......he shld be viewed as a coman man.....especiallly......whn u see......the devastated families, the number of innocent pple who died in the bomb blasts. Meanin he is a good actor...i too personally like him, but what he did involved his personal life, the decision he made of makin his car available for the supply of arms was his own personal decisionn. It didnt involve his professional life, so why is it that whnever we read of sanjay dut nd his punishment we jus cant help ourselves by sayin.....THAT OHH HW CAN THEY GIVE HIM SUCH A HARSH PUNISHMENT.HE IS SUCH A GUD ACTOR......he is...no doubt he is, but that dosent mean that jus by sayin.....THAT I DID A MISTAKE 14 YEARS AGO......u can be leFt of the hook........thn even the rape victims nd all the other criminals whoz cases are lyin in thE court can make avail of such a statement. Maybe i am a lill harsh in my views but theirs a diffrnce btwn reel life nd real life......nd i wld jus like to quote a line which went as....
"INJUSTICE IS RELATIVELY EASY TO BEAR, WHAT STINGS IS JUSTCIE"...nd i think even thgh the justice was delayed....it was deliverd.....!!!!
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