OK so I am back! not exactly from the brink of fighting life and death but recovering from High Blood Pressure at my tender age :( , ok so yeah 1 in 3 young Indian males have a High BP. Consider a scenario your good male friend writes a blog to say his blood-pressure numbers are high. Scary High!. He just clocked in with a BP of 176 over 120. You give him a pep talk, tell him to get treatment, and close the web page with smug assurance - glad your not in his place. You never know turns out your buddy and you more in comman than you knew.
So coming to the topic on hand I was admitted in the Holy Spirit hospital on Wednesday night, when my dreams of becoming a pilot came shattering down not for the first time. Most of you know that i have this keeda in me of flying and being responsible for individuals on an airliner, I had infact given a medical examination (class 2 medicals) in January and failed cause of High BP. That is when my fight with BP began. I had assurances over this 6 month period that my BP had reduced through a few random checks, well to be honest it had through constant yoga and meditation. But Wednesday night proved wrong, I went for a random BP check to a doc, where i realised my BP was scary fckin High 176 over 120 man....it was scary the doc seemed concerned my dreams of being a pilot according to him were all but dead, that left a tear in my eye. I was ok trying to get over another failure in my life until i seen my dad...he had tears in his eyes, that image made me sink in depression, why was i such a fckin looser always?
OK enough of self pity. The Doc advised me a few medical tests for the heart, cholesterol, stomach and kidneys. My Dad called up Holy Spirit hospital and got me admitted immediately. As i stepped in to the hospital with the gloomiest face ever the nurses had a look on their face saying 'is this guy suffering from depression?'
Over the course of 3 and a 1/2 days that spent in my room C-209 I had lots of different experiences mostly fun and from it re-emerged a new confidence of succeeding one day if not sooner than definitely sometime down the line. Tests were performed on me over the 3 days every single fckin test was normal my results were excellent. The only problem was my fluctuating BP sometimes high and then 12 hours later normal!.
I made alot of new friends there two priests, a geologist, a retired farmer a few other uncles and discovered a new friend from my college who also was admitted on account of high BP heh heh and he was 21 :p as i said 1/3 young Indian males, oh and not to mention the nurses in my ward from mallu land who were hilariously funny. There was this gay mother fucker in the room next to me who would stare at me continuously whenever I took a walk in the corridor grrr...heh heh. Let me describe my room for a bit it was almost like a 3 star hotel, nice cozy bed, a working ac, a clean and enjoyable toilet environment :p, a comfortable couch, TV, a fridge and a cupboard heh heh all to myself for 3 and a half days and the service was exceptional too and the food was good though i did have apprehensions at first.
The scene at a hospital can be quiet a humbling experience. I say that cause you want the people around you to have a tinge of pity on you. I'd be lying if i said i didn't hey after all its human. On Thursday I took a walk around the hospital just to have a look around to see what a hospital is actually like. I strolled through the ward for children and i seen little children having terrible ailments. I sat for my turn at the diagnosis and seen young adults our age paralysed having kidney failures etc etc. I thought to my self I should fckin stop pitying myself, feeling sorry for them wont make their lives any better. So I just walked up to a few patients and said a little hello and a hi and asked em how they were feeling. Although the deed was small it was fulfilling atleast it bought a smile on their face.
I felt so fckin Happy when my friends came to visit me every single day :D. My friends were a solid support to me through this experience.
On Saturday a senior sister came and visited me. The stern and motherly sorts and gave me a firing heh heh saying it was terrible to have a high BP at my age and ordered me to change my lifestyle :P, I wasn't like mind your fckin business infact I quiet liked it.
I dont know what else to include in this post of mine. I'm falling short of thoughts, I know I would think of something 3 hours from now and say to my self "damn! i forgot to include this!"
Oh yes I have to have to mention my friend Vanda in this post who was like a pillar. Van! your a fckin rock star. Loads of Love :D I havent given up hope of being a pilot cause BP can be controlled within no time just a matter of weeks.
And I'd like to end this by saying sleep is gods gift to humanity :P. Sleep well and you never will fall ill
Until Next time
God Bless and stay healthy !
haha rahul...this is d 1st time iv ever seen u use so many fckin's...not u not u!
n wts up wid u always tryin 2 b super nice 2 ppl..i mean its a nice thing..but wen i read wtv u rite no..i always picture u wid a smile on ur face..u bein 1 of those thinker types..old riter mad off-d-rocker types haha i duno y,sum1 hu does these things jus so dat u c wt an xperience u hav so dat u can rite abt it..more dan urself u like makin others happy...iv realised dat readin ur stuff
hey there 'hot shot'...the pun as you may find is very much intended... don't worry my friend your dream of flying will come true... but please do take care of your self...
and yes vandunananana can be a huge support at weaker times...here the pun is not intended :P...heh heh she'll kill me if she reads this though....
cheers man..take good care
reminded me of those essay writing days like "Visit to the hospital"....heh jst jokin but this 1s definity d best 1.good narration skills!and dnt worry bout d pilot thing with so much positivity in u ul surley make it ther...heh n d blog on being single was great..keep it up!!
Hey Rahul!! im glad ur doin mch better now...i was wanderin where did u disappear!!..Dude..i really like the way u write...uve really got some neat style!!! n u better take care of ur self...Ull surely get better n be a pilot soooon...my prayers r with u...take care buddy...
this is my favourite blog.. not cuz u were in hospital, or, that u mentioned me ;P.. but cuz after that experiance ur not giving up.. n also cuz ud make a hot pilot :)..
lotssa love dahlin!!
hey rahul tc man....
was wonderin whr u dispprd 4 so many days....
aate hi blog likh lee....
jus tc....
Touching... No nonsense.. goof dtuf man... real good stuff... pilot no more..... a few lives savd i guess...
hey buddy
i was really shocked to hear tht u hv/had high bp man i nvr imagined it
btw dude am d boogeyman....frm ur frnds lists god bless u man
nd yeh u do write well!!!
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