Firstly let me start this post by thanking each and everyone of the crickets who reply with their comments. It is truly encouraging especially Tanuj, Nishant, Bronessa and Disha and also the others who have commented grateful to all!

Ok so its that time of the year again when every one goes potters. Every few years Harry Potter mania sweeps across the globe, children, women, teens flock to book stores to read about the newest happenings in the world of wizardry of which Harry Potter rules over.
Ive largely remained immune to potter-mania and I dont have an explanation as to why. I guess Ive never been the one to be mesmerised by the wizardry and the magic that revolves around Harry Potter.
But things came to a boiling point when my mom who was watching CNN-IBN's "potter nama" asked me whether I had pre-ordered a copy of the 7th book. God! I hope she was joking.
OK I must admit, the series is great, well atleast it encourages kids to read. Its more socially acceptable than comic books. But what I fail to decipher is the cult like following that the Harry Potter series enjoys.
Ive seen just one installment of his movies which was the last one and to be honest it really didn't do much for me, infact it was quiet boring for one I didn't know who was harry, how he did what he did and why he did it and secondly Ive never quiet liked movies which are based on fantasies. I was although highly amused by the ohhs and aaahs of the kids in the cinema when Harry performed some death defying witchcraft or whatever it is called.
I only got to know the major synopsis around potter when I was talking to my friend Shreya last night. Every single detail was explained by her and she also told me that she finds the guy who plays harry potter i.e. Daniel Radcliffe quiet hot. One thing is for certain, Daniel Radcliffe likes the fame and dosent mind the ladies that come with it. Hide your daughters that Harry is a cad! :P
I dont really know where I'm going with this post. But I had a question that is bugging me all through this week
Now some would suggest that real men would much rather enjoy a book like "The Godfather" or on the other hand some would describe a real man as someone who wouldn't mind letting out the kid in him once in a while by reading / watching Harry Potter.
Some suggest that this shouldn't be a question at all. They are off the opinion that the books you read do not define your masculinity If you refuse to read or do something simply because it's dubbed childish or nerdy, then maybe it's you that needs to find your manhood.
While others suggest its kinda Wuss to go through a book that is enjoyed the world over by kids and women.
I'm not sure as to where I stand in this debate. As for me I wont be buying the 7th book or watching his movie (unless someone asks me nicely :P) simply because Harry Potter dosent interest me, he never will and never has.
Lastly Id like to add that a 'real man' would choose to read whatever he wants to. Be it a kiddy book, war novels, murder mystery or even porn.
I really am amazed as to how much all of us out there love witchcraft. You dont have to look far to see it, the picture is there right in front of your eyes. In the news papers, on the TV. I fail to understand what this obsession with Harry Potter is all about. Well, as for me I'll just sit back and watch all the madness surrounding Harry Potter around me acknowledge Harry Potter and move on.
Until next time when I plan to write about my favourite movies!
Take Care everyone and please leave your comments :D
Some suggest that this shouldn't be a question at all. They are off the opinion that the books you read do not define your masculinity If you refuse to read or do something simply because it's dubbed childish or nerdy, then maybe it's you that needs to find your manhood.
While others suggest its kinda Wuss to go through a book that is enjoyed the world over by kids and women.
I'm not sure as to where I stand in this debate. As for me I wont be buying the 7th book or watching his movie (unless someone asks me nicely :P) simply because Harry Potter dosent interest me, he never will and never has.
Lastly Id like to add that a 'real man' would choose to read whatever he wants to. Be it a kiddy book, war novels, murder mystery or even porn.
I really am amazed as to how much all of us out there love witchcraft. You dont have to look far to see it, the picture is there right in front of your eyes. In the news papers, on the TV. I fail to understand what this obsession with Harry Potter is all about. Well, as for me I'll just sit back and watch all the madness surrounding Harry Potter around me acknowledge Harry Potter and move on.
Until next time when I plan to write about my favourite movies!
Take Care everyone and please leave your comments :D
ummmm 1stly mr.old-off-d-rocker...i think its awesme 2 hav an imagination like j.k.rowlin..i mean wow....( i havnt read any of d books) but yes making movies like dat i think is awesme...harry potter..lotr..dey r such cool movies yaaa...wt effects n all..takes u 2 a totally diff world ..its a change frm d day 2 day run of d mill kinda movies..jus gives u a fresh brk..n harry potter isnt really a kiddy book ah..c'mon..evry1 njoys it n i dun blame dem..ur jus boring :P..i think hats of 2 d woman huz ritin d book n d ppl hu work so hard n make d movie...truely amazing.... i no a lil bit of d 7th book haha sum1 i really love dies =( i duno how far dats true but iv heard dat..wont open my mouth out here coz ppl will slap me haha....
Well there is really alot of Hype over Harry Potter!! to some extent it deserves it !! The movies are pretty thrillin 2 watch...though im not a big fan of it i dont mind watchin the movies...but i def cannot get myself to sit and read those huge...books..!! I hv some crazy frnds out here who literally stand in lines jst to get a book!! but again thats ones choice..
I dunno if imma go watch the recent one out...i guess ..only if someone forces me 2 go..:) but i kno this harry potter mania wil def continueee...
haha dey r comin up wid harry potter stamps n all ya.. dat jus crosses d well..ppl!
okay... i'm the original harry potter fan.. i lkd the blog 4 itz honesty.. but i'm loyal..
harry potter.. he ticks coz his world is soo different frm ours.. n then agen.. also coz harry potter culd've bin any one of us given the fact tht he is just another teenage boy with very human atrributes.. except.. dat he's a wizard... atleast thts y he ticks with me.. n hey.. he brought back a generation of lost readers.. so kudos 2 him...
harry potter n me have the same birthday :D!!!!
hmmm...... i mean this in the best way possible but i think your taking the whole 'real men' thing to seriously.... i mean i'm 100% sure that if harry potter would have been positioned a little differently and was a grown man trying to find his past (wolverine) the real men issue would not have come into the picture at all now...similar to the Lord of the Rings.
the deal with harry potter is not of getting the deal with him at all.. here i'm talking in the perspective of solely the books i think everything else, from movies to stamps as someone mentioned is merchandising and creating the mania that potter is.
the movies are basically for those who would rather watch than read.
but the real deal really boils down to an author having the capacity to create a simple character having the capacity to take the audience's imagination on a ride. and good marketing that helps...
i suggest you actually try reading the first book to know more...
yes real men do ignite the imagination, just cause it's a little childish doesn't matter...
(also i personally think everyone while reading puts themselves in place of the protagonist, more fun that way)
(oh and i'm very happy that i was the first name in the list of preferred comments :P)
just stopping by to say hey
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