Sunday, 9 December 2007
Late Late Night Blues
It is for me the best time to wander my mind, best time to write, to contemplate, to do everything that seems useless but in actual fact gives me so much pleasure. Just wandering my mind!....making it go crazy with imagination and mental imagery. The thoughts and also the memories create a hazy sense of helplessness and also felicity.
The silent cold night and the music of Robert Allen Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan combine for a wonderful treat of imagery and romance. Bob Dylan and his music which I have discovered in this past year is a vehicle to transport you to some wired imagination always, like it is doing right now. As I see a 21 year old male from Mumbai with dried tears of hope, wearing a brown/black tee shirt, jeans and sneakers. His hands clinging on to his chequered bag holding back himself against unleashing his personality on to the world.
His eyes are a sight to behold if you look closely. Some might find them simple black eyes. but theres something different you can see visuals, for instance of a beautiful young lady, sitting by the seaside, you can see how he yearns to be beside her, to touch her, sit down on that table for two with just the simplest cup of tea or coffee.
But its only the imagination. You feel like finding a magic wand to turn her into reality. You want to hold her and turn her into real but it will not happen. she refuses to turn to reality. So how does it feel to be a complete unknown just like a rolling stone? Ive lost this.
Any one still reading?
Reality is makes one singled out. That is for the useless souls like me who stand, imagine, think and reason why? You stare at people passing you by on any regular Mumbai street everyone seems to be in a hurry you wonder why are they in such a hurry? do they actually even wanna go anywhere? Why do I see majority of the people expressing emotions of frustration and restlessness are they not happy? What might be the reason?
And as the night ends. Just as the sun is about to rise, right after dawn. The dewdrops clinging on to your window pane, the birds beginning to chirp. You suddenly realise that you are infact a bit sleepy.
Good Night Everyone! :)
Friday, 16 November 2007
The Rolling Stone That I am
Don't quiet have a reason as to why I haven't "blogged" for about 2 and a half months now. I could chalk out a colossal number of reasons but to be honest I didn't really know as to where my blog was going. Abstained kept away, kept away some more tried to conceal the urge to write, tried to turn off that entity in my neural structure or brain for most that invigorated me to write. Couldn't so here I am same old same old, writing about my neo nostalgic dirt. I am used to it, its my style atleast some people like it.
As I sit at this sorry excuse for a cafe, with the assemblage throwing me back to my school days, i light up my hookah sipping on my cutting chai. Its 10 pm I have not yet gone home from office, dont feel like have zilch to do at home except for my daily indefinite quantity of msn messenger which for once in my lifespan im actually excited to log on too.
Come to think of MSN messenger was never really the 'gods gift to man kind' but hey it works for me or it has over these past few months. I dont know how or what to name her, I dont even know how I got so close to her, not even sure whether i would even get to be with her or even experience her lovingness in the real world. I dont know who she is in reality. I dont quiet think I can name her, cant put together a name for her probably I'd just call her 'she' for now. Its as if I write up a song everytime we talk dont know where our conversation leads but most often than not it leads to a feeling of sanctity and peace. Dont know if it is appropriate to write about her at this stage, havent figured out what we are to each other, just friends? better than friends? companions? lovers? I dont know what to name it? the status still hangs loose but it dosent really matter.
I always hated geography in school that's what she told me. Geography is perhaps the only reason as to why I and she cannot be together for atleast now. But for hopeless romantics like me a word like cannot does not quiet exist in my limited dictionary. I for one was quiet sure that the possibilities of me having a relationship after my first horror show were totalling up to none. Come to think of it, I suck at most things a guy 'should be' in order to be with the ladies. However, with this lady in Dubai its different I can be myself with her, I can talk for hours on end and being romantic just comes naturally to me when I'm with her. I could describe my relationship with her as a the first tender kiss of a relationship, Its like both the beings involved are excited but dont quiet know what to expect from this. The tempo of our conversations fluctuates, being my difficult self comes just naturally to me, problems arise good times are majorly prevalent though, ands that enough of this, she I hope will read this and smile.
The NGO Sandhyalay kindle a sense of emotionalism in me. The one which perhaps I hadnt seen before. I surprise myself as to how dedicated I am towards that place. Just today I sojourned the domiciles of a few of my kids at the ngo. Micro they are but they are coated with love. The kind that we rich folk are jealous of. Being with an NGO brings you face to face with dark, evil and gloomy horror tales. Stories of young mothers been beaten up, abused sexually and mentally, thrown out irreversibly, with little babies to support Ive been in the company and even interacted with these strong individuals. How is the human mind so destructive and evil?
The male intellect sometimes I feel brings out its ugly head once to often It thinks out of impulse rather than reason. Gruesome tales of rape and the victims 9 kilometer walk bruised and battered to file a complaint. Support in any form is what an NGO gives like ours. Kids our age seem to be enthralled at the concept of volunteering and putting on a mask of wanting to give back to the society. Volunteering is not for attention seekers, its a developmental effort to gradually uplift a certain section of the society. I keep hearing some yank about a young India wanting to make a change wanting to bring about a social revolution. As i sit here with a hookah in my hand and a cutting in the other, I see youngsters to tied up in their own little worlds bickering about how filthy mumbai has become or how hurt they have been since their relationship ended or how I sympathise with the underprivileged and how we want to join the NGO but dont cause we too bored on that day. sigh!
Perhaps I will be a little more generous with my posts, or perhaps i will go into 'blogging hibernation' for about another couple of months who knows what I will do. Im too unpredictable even to myself.
Until Next Time
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Sanjay Dutt: Screen Colossus, Real Life ?

I was looking forward to the 31st of July since the last few days ever since it was announced that this would be the day for Sanjay Dutt's sentencing. As the day dawned Sanjay Dutt slipped out of my mind, well had stuff to take care of and places to go to. Although I was hoping Sanjay Dutt would be let of with a lighter verdict.
Sanjay Dutt has always been my favourite movie star of all time, ever since Khalnayak. I remember my self taking part in the fancy dress competitions in my building dressed as Sanju baba from Khalnayak. We've literaly grown up watching Sanjay Dutt movies. Watchin Khalnayak in the cinema long long time ago sent chills down my little spine, especially in the scene when Police officer Jackie Shroff beats up the criminal Sanjay Dutt. I so hated Jaggu dada at that moment. I vaguely think back to that day in theater, calling back to those whistels and cheers when Sanjay Dutt broke into the song 'Nayak Nahi Khalnayak hoon mein...' wearing a pecuilar outfit. Well that movie was a blockbuster a movie that none had ever experienced before.

Those were the early 90's the years when the image of Sanjay Dutt was begininning to build from a boy in 'Rocky' to a man, a performer in 'Khalnayak'. And then suddenly it all came crashing down for the man and for us his fans. Sanjay Dutt was arrested and jailed for 18 months. I couldnt tell between reality and fiction back then and was convinced that Sanjat Dutt was solely responsible for the bomb blasts (he played a baddie in Khalnayak :P ). If one looks back it was sort of a blurred line between the real and the reel.
A year and a half later Sanjay Dutt was a free man. He was attending film awards ala the Filmfare awards 1996 when he walked the stage along with all the other baddies of the film industry. I had a huge grin on my face that day. My Favourite movie star was free again.
However, Some of Sanjay Dutt's best performances were yet to come Vaastav got the man his first and only filmfare award as 'best male actor'. Vaastav for me was his finest performance, the man acted like a million bucks. During the late nineties there was those comedy movies along with david dhawan and govinda, which were quiet ok i'd say.
But Munnabhai changed everything. It was a role that every guy could relate to. The attributes of Munnbhai everyone wanted to have. People couldnt get enough of Munnabhai and Circuit.
A Couple of years later came Lage Raho Munnabhai The best movie i'd ever seen. I was overjoyed, the man whose movies i'd grown up watching had given us a movie we could all enjoy. The Goodness of Munnbhai rubbed off on everyone who seen the movie. People were inspired by this character.
And the came 31st July. Sanjay Dutts jounrey from Rocky to Munnabhai all came down to this one day. When i switched on the news at 2.20 pm the News Flash ticker had the following words 'Dutt gets 6 years in jail' I was to shocked to react, that spoon full of dal and rice never reached my mouth it just stopped mid way. I was unhappy to say the least, more than sadness i felt a sense of anger when I heard Kirron Kher speaking on Times Now, she said something powerful and true 'Rapists and murderers are sitting in the Lok Sabha, and a nice man like Sanjay Dutt gets 6 years in jail'. For a few moments I couldnt believe what I was watching as I've mentioned earlier he was the man whose movies we grew up watching, he was the man who had given us moments of cinematic joy and thrill over the years, a man who according to most had been punished enough already before. Did he deserve this? To add to my agony stupid news channels like Aaj Tak interviewed comman people on the street in Delhi who had zilch knowledge about the case, they branded him 'a terrorist' those fuckin morons didnt realise that this same court had aquitted Sanjay Dutt from all charges of him being a terrorist.

Although, I feel that the Indian Judiciary did nothing wrong today. It had a set of laws and procedures to abide by. It was like a bittersweet symphony. Most people seemed ok with the verdict calling it a victory of the judiciary the others were sad and doleful. For most their hero had gone for 6 years. Like me many quiet liked the personality and the persona that was Sanjay Dutt.
As I look back, from the day I watched my first movie of his 'Naam' till today 31st July. I see a star who was troubled and punished over the years (from drugs to illegal possesion of weapons). I know the goodness of Munnabhai cannot change what has happend today. He sadly will be remembered for this judgement rather than the coloussus screen persona that was Sanjay Dutt.
My Felicitation Speech
Greek philosopher Heraclites once said; “There is nothing constant in life except change”
It just seems like yesterday when I stepped into this college as a boy 5 years ago, it rained back then and it is raining today. 5 years have gone by to quickly to be true, I still remember the endless annual day practices, the numerous college festivals that we took part in and every single detail still revolves in my head.
I am saddened that I will no longer have the love and support of my professors in education but also helping me realize my talents. And I speak from personal experience because I know how shy I was when I entered college. I had never thought of myself as a speaker or a compere. I had never been on stage and today look, as I stand here talking to you, I can’t believe how far I have come. And just like me, I know there are several others here, who themselves could not have foreseen this transformation in themselves when they left school.
. We can never forget:
SSM Projects
Moses once said "in the begininning God created heaven and earth and it was good and then he created the Tolani College BMS batch of 2007 and it was very good!"
And guys check your selves before you wreck yourselves....Success be to all!Saturday, 21 July 2007
Harry Potter and the apathetic blogger
Firstly let me start this post by thanking each and everyone of the crickets who reply with their comments. It is truly encouraging especially Tanuj, Nishant, Bronessa and Disha and also the others who have commented grateful to all!

Ok so its that time of the year again when every one goes potters. Every few years Harry Potter mania sweeps across the globe, children, women, teens flock to book stores to read about the newest happenings in the world of wizardry of which Harry Potter rules over.
Ive largely remained immune to potter-mania and I dont have an explanation as to why. I guess Ive never been the one to be mesmerised by the wizardry and the magic that revolves around Harry Potter.
But things came to a boiling point when my mom who was watching CNN-IBN's "potter nama" asked me whether I had pre-ordered a copy of the 7th book. God! I hope she was joking.
OK I must admit, the series is great, well atleast it encourages kids to read. Its more socially acceptable than comic books. But what I fail to decipher is the cult like following that the Harry Potter series enjoys.
Ive seen just one installment of his movies which was the last one and to be honest it really didn't do much for me, infact it was quiet boring for one I didn't know who was harry, how he did what he did and why he did it and secondly Ive never quiet liked movies which are based on fantasies. I was although highly amused by the ohhs and aaahs of the kids in the cinema when Harry performed some death defying witchcraft or whatever it is called.
I only got to know the major synopsis around potter when I was talking to my friend Shreya last night. Every single detail was explained by her and she also told me that she finds the guy who plays harry potter i.e. Daniel Radcliffe quiet hot. One thing is for certain, Daniel Radcliffe likes the fame and dosent mind the ladies that come with it. Hide your daughters that Harry is a cad! :P
I dont really know where I'm going with this post. But I had a question that is bugging me all through this week
Some suggest that this shouldn't be a question at all. They are off the opinion that the books you read do not define your masculinity If you refuse to read or do something simply because it's dubbed childish or nerdy, then maybe it's you that needs to find your manhood.
While others suggest its kinda Wuss to go through a book that is enjoyed the world over by kids and women.
I'm not sure as to where I stand in this debate. As for me I wont be buying the 7th book or watching his movie (unless someone asks me nicely :P) simply because Harry Potter dosent interest me, he never will and never has.
Lastly Id like to add that a 'real man' would choose to read whatever he wants to. Be it a kiddy book, war novels, murder mystery or even porn.
I really am amazed as to how much all of us out there love witchcraft. You dont have to look far to see it, the picture is there right in front of your eyes. In the news papers, on the TV. I fail to understand what this obsession with Harry Potter is all about. Well, as for me I'll just sit back and watch all the madness surrounding Harry Potter around me acknowledge Harry Potter and move on.
Until next time when I plan to write about my favourite movies!
Take Care everyone and please leave your comments :D
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
High BP 1 Rahul 0

OK so I am back! not exactly from the brink of fighting life and death but recovering from High Blood Pressure at my tender age :( , ok so yeah 1 in 3 young Indian males have a High BP. Consider a scenario your good male friend writes a blog to say his blood-pressure numbers are high. Scary High!. He just clocked in with a BP of 176 over 120. You give him a pep talk, tell him to get treatment, and close the web page with smug assurance - glad your not in his place. You never know turns out your buddy and you more in comman than you knew.
So coming to the topic on hand I was admitted in the Holy Spirit hospital on Wednesday night, when my dreams of becoming a pilot came shattering down not for the first time. Most of you know that i have this keeda in me of flying and being responsible for individuals on an airliner, I had infact given a medical examination (class 2 medicals) in January and failed cause of High BP. That is when my fight with BP began. I had assurances over this 6 month period that my BP had reduced through a few random checks, well to be honest it had through constant yoga and meditation. But Wednesday night proved wrong, I went for a random BP check to a doc, where i realised my BP was scary fckin High 176 over 120 was scary the doc seemed concerned my dreams of being a pilot according to him were all but dead, that left a tear in my eye. I was ok trying to get over another failure in my life until i seen my dad...he had tears in his eyes, that image made me sink in depression, why was i such a fckin looser always?
OK enough of self pity. The Doc advised me a few medical tests for the heart, cholesterol, stomach and kidneys. My Dad called up Holy Spirit hospital and got me admitted immediately. As i stepped in to the hospital with the gloomiest face ever the nurses had a look on their face saying 'is this guy suffering from depression?'
Over the course of 3 and a 1/2 days that spent in my room C-209 I had lots of different experiences mostly fun and from it re-emerged a new confidence of succeeding one day if not sooner than definitely sometime down the line. Tests were performed on me over the 3 days every single fckin test was normal my results were excellent. The only problem was my fluctuating BP sometimes high and then 12 hours later normal!.
I made alot of new friends there two priests, a geologist, a retired farmer a few other uncles and discovered a new friend from my college who also was admitted on account of high BP heh heh and he was 21 :p as i said 1/3 young Indian males, oh and not to mention the nurses in my ward from mallu land who were hilariously funny. There was this gay mother fucker in the room next to me who would stare at me continuously whenever I took a walk in the corridor grrr...heh heh. Let me describe my room for a bit it was almost like a 3 star hotel, nice cozy bed, a working ac, a clean and enjoyable toilet environment :p, a comfortable couch, TV, a fridge and a cupboard heh heh all to myself for 3 and a half days and the service was exceptional too and the food was good though i did have apprehensions at first.
The scene at a hospital can be quiet a humbling experience. I say that cause you want the people around you to have a tinge of pity on you. I'd be lying if i said i didn't hey after all its human. On Thursday I took a walk around the hospital just to have a look around to see what a hospital is actually like. I strolled through the ward for children and i seen little children having terrible ailments. I sat for my turn at the diagnosis and seen young adults our age paralysed having kidney failures etc etc. I thought to my self I should fckin stop pitying myself, feeling sorry for them wont make their lives any better. So I just walked up to a few patients and said a little hello and a hi and asked em how they were feeling. Although the deed was small it was fulfilling atleast it bought a smile on their face.
I felt so fckin Happy when my friends came to visit me every single day :D. My friends were a solid support to me through this experience.
On Saturday a senior sister came and visited me. The stern and motherly sorts and gave me a firing heh heh saying it was terrible to have a high BP at my age and ordered me to change my lifestyle :P, I wasn't like mind your fckin business infact I quiet liked it.
I dont know what else to include in this post of mine. I'm falling short of thoughts, I know I would think of something 3 hours from now and say to my self "damn! i forgot to include this!"
Oh yes I have to have to mention my friend Vanda in this post who was like a pillar. Van! your a fckin rock star. Loads of Love :D I havent given up hope of being a pilot cause BP can be controlled within no time just a matter of weeks.
And I'd like to end this by saying sleep is gods gift to humanity :P. Sleep well and you never will fall ill
Until Next time
God Bless and stay healthy !
Monday, 25 June 2007
Ode to the rain cloud!

Ah! The Winds, The Rains, The Waters. The Rains are here and how I love it. The Monsoon is so poetic, so romantic the entire season is like poetry recital calming and exciting!
Masses of dark clouds are arriving from over the Arabian Sea. I had been breathlessly waiting for the monsoon to arrive partly because it was bloody stinking hot and also because quiet simply I am in love with the rains.
The first rains always brings with it happiness but also brings that dusky smell of mud. I still remember those school days :D. The new school year starts on the 13th of June, getting ready for school and also welcoming the arriving monsoon ah those were the days!, walking to school in my school uniform with ankle length high water wearing gumboots, Yes! gumboots I wore em when I was a little kid and I am proud of that. Those moments make me wanna go back in time.
Rains also remind of the water that accumalted in our building compund every single year no matter how many times we tried to improve the drainage system. It was harrowing for the uncle and aunties but we children could care less. The water was a mixture of rain and gutter water :P as i said we could care less so we kids would have our monsoon party splashing water on each other, playing football in it.
Once we were playing football in that very muddy water. So this one guy kicked the ball and the next thing we knew was the guy standing opposite had that muddy yucky water in his mouth hahaha! it was the funniest expression on his face ever. There was this one day, when we would just not stop we were splishing splashing water, shouting, doing the craziest things in this one rainy day put on a nice show for the on-lookers until our mums came down and dragged us home shouting and pulling our ears :p..hahah..

However, over the last few years the charm of the rains in Mumbai has somewhat diminished . Now a days most Mumbaikars hate the rains and everything associated with it. The endless traffic jams, the wet shoes, flooding etc. this more so after 26/7. Ive grown, Mumbai has grown there are alot more people in Mumbai, the cars have doubled from back then. The Infrastructure of the city crumbles agaisnt the might of the monsoon. So you can say with the rains come additional problems for Mumbaikars especially those who have to deal with water accumalating in their houses.
But for eternal romantics like me, I hardly think about these above mentioned gory details. Ok I admit rains back then were alot more fun compared to today. I still remember running in my chaddies around in the building splashing water, playing in every single puddle of water that had collected in the compound.
Rains have so many joys associated with it those warm cup of coffee and cutting chai, waves crashing agains the walls at marine drive/worli, butta, sitting at home doing nothing but just gazing out the window watching the rain drops.
The other day I was talking to my friend Disha "twisted angel" Diwan and she said something really simple yet so true "Mumbai rains havent lost its charm, its just that we've grown up!"
With that I'd end this post. I'd really love to hear some of your experiences of the rains old or new, It would be so nice if you guys wrote in.
Until then I'm singing in the rain, Just singing in the rain, What a glorious feeling ...I am happy again!
Friday, 22 June 2007
A simple dry-wall man

Firstly, Happy Fathers Day! to all dads all over the world! :) I know this is a bit late, Im sorry!
According to Wikipedia Father's Day is a secular holiday inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and parenting by males, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers.
For me its just a day to contemplate all that my father has done for me and to thank him for his unconditional love and support.
Tell me what a father really is. Should he be tall or short. A father is a guide a mentor, the family stone, the glue that holds the family together, all in all a father is someone to talk to and someone who listens. He knows how you feel when you even don't. A father is the strong masculine role model.
I wanted to share this writing with all of you guys reading this.
I fell in love with a man
When I was only four years old
He was tall with big blue eyes
And he was strong enough to holdme when I cried.
He loved my mom
He loved me and my sis
And together we'd make a family.
The teenage years were so hard
I know at times I broke his heart
But God's love shown
Through Dad's strong will
And he stood by me even still.
He taught me how to love and care
He gave me hugs when I was scared
And I thank God for each day
My Dad's been there.
It takes a special kind of man
One that fits Gods' perfect plan
To be a Dad
And to give the life we've had.
He was just a simple drywall man
Trying to get by
But little did he know
God had a plan for his life.
There is another writing that I wanted to share which my friend Disha "twisted angel" Diwan has penned. She has written a beautiful verse describing her dad, a painful incident in her life that she had to go through and she concludes by cherishing the times she has spent with her dad! (Thanks D for the writtings)
"He was Fifty,
Half a century as I would normally say.
Well rounded and a moustache like a Walrus.
Reddish brown hair and he was fair.
Popularly known as Ginger not just by his friends but by me too
he never forced me to call him dad or papa,
so for me he is ginger forever and for always.
He was one of the typical boarding school boys, athletic in everyway!
It is a day I wont ever forget,
seeing him sitting helplessly on the bed
not being able to walk properly
entering the room I saw this image of him
i could not understand anything
then i heard my ma tell me what happend
i never wanted to cry
i wanted to be daddies strong girl
but helplessly a few tears rolled down my cheek
Sitting there looking at him.
seeing the tears in his eyes
I was scared
didnt know how serious he was
and i didnt want to think about it either
at that moment i wanted to yell out and say
"my dad strongest"
just like the ways in the ad would say.
He had indeed had a stroke and help was on the way
for us to take him to the hospital
It is just then that I realised that he wasnt that young anymore
I still live in that fear that something might happen to him
Its been 2 years but it still feels like yesterday.
I remember i refused to visit him to the hospital
I couldnt see him that way
My friends forced me to but I couldnt
In the end i built up the courage and went with them.
As soon as I walked in I wanted to run away
Seeing he is old now
makes me go down memory lane
I remember the time we've spent together.
and i cant help but smile.
from buying me toys nearly everyday
to playing video games with me.
from watching wrestling, to getting me my own punching bag
for coming to all my football matches and cheering me
to sitting with me through all the World Cup matches
Doing the last minute running around for my admissions
to getting not even a THANK YOU from me
I am thankful to him and always will be
cause for me there is only one ginger in this world
and he truely is the best dad in the world"
D thanks for sharing this. I know most will be able to relate to this in some way or form :)
And Finally "HAPPY FATHERS DAY!" to all dads
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Being Single!!!

- You can take the time to find the right Woman
- We have reached a certain age
- all our friends have girl friends.
- we are afraid that this one will get away.
2. You can focus on your career
3. You can do what you want and when you want to
4. You can enjoy serenity
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Something i wanted you guys to read!

While the tyre was being repaired, I decided to take a look around. Right next to the shop sitting on the pavement was this garrishly dressed young woman. With ornate fake jewellery, badly done makeup and tired eyes, she just sat there. I guessed, she was waiting for her next customer...a lady of the night! The men, young lads more like, went about fixing the puncture like pros doing it for many years now.
The kids in the picture above, were the 2 little guys playing their imaginary game next to the highway, darting back and forth between 2-3 shanties. One little guy, the fellow in white, squats down to examine the repairs being done. I bend down and take a picture. The other toothless fellow steps on the tube and squirts it all over the muddy road! A stern look from the older boys makes him run back into the hut. But soon, he is back and just as naughty as ever.
I couldnt help smiling, they were just too cute to ignore. I had to take a picture. I have driven past this place so often over the years, but never stopped here. I have become so oblivious to the poverty, that we just ignore and walk past. The 2 little boys, dont even know their names, are just like any other numerous street children we find across Mumbai. In the trains selling small trinkets, on the roads washing cars, working at chaiwallas for a living, or worse still begging at the signal, or drugged into sleep to evoke a more emotional response from the general public!
Thousands of kids are brought to Mumbai every year to be abandoned by their parents on the station. Unable to afford food for an extra hungry mouth, they leave them in Mumbai to earn and make a living. Some do get reasonably ok jobs. But for a few, this is nothing short of hell. Raped, sodomised, molested, made to work like slaves in countless sweatshops...this then becomes life as they know it. Childhood's innocence lost forever.
These guys were the luckier ones. Living next to the puncture shop, they were learning the trade and would soon, in all probability, have their own little puncture shop at the corner of some road some day. The poverty, the filth, the atmosphere around just made no difference. They played, like all kids should. The smiles convey it all, dont they???I wish the same for all of Mumbai's little kids. I wish all could play, play with the same joy and laughter as i was able to when i was their age.
I wish these kids rather than repairing punctures could learn, read and write. Afterall every single kid on this planet desevers education.
I for one am on the verge of doing something in my own small way to help these street kids, I plan to teach some of the young street children through a few NGO's & its not that difficult all it requires is 2-3 hours every week in the evenings, even if you cant teach just spending time with them would make them so happy!
Its an african Proverb, " It takes a village to raise a child."We all have been fortunate Enough to have some one to take care of us...but we also have some who are not that fortunate..
I wish happiness to all the children of mumbai both rich and poor!! :)
Monday, 21 May 2007

When you think of your family, what emotions do you feel? We feel all different emotions, whether it is love, affection, sorrow, grief, anger, resentment, appreciation etc . One thing we all have in common is that the word family will all cause us to feel some emotion and emotions are the life blood of every human.
Our mother, our father, brothers, sisters, grand parents they all have a part in shaping our lives. Our beliefs, our attitudes, our point of views, habits so on so forth these can be usually traced to our child hood when we were impressionable and open minded. Ready to believe whatever our fathers and mothers impressed on us.
We are a family of 4 My Father, My Mother and My Sister.
When i speak of my father the word introvert comes to mind, he is on the whole a quiet man though when with friends can be quiet funny and when drunk!..hhaha...he is hilarious :p.
I still remember my early years in this world when i learnt to walk holding is 1st finger. The man has taught me every damn thing in this world and i haven't even told him thank you. He is the man who used to lay me in the bed when i was a little baby that was long long ago. My father has given my food, clothing, shelter, education, comforts etc. etc. The man has showed honesty through ups and downs. My father used to walk me to school every day when i was in kindergarten, when we bought our car, he drove me there. He taught me how a hold a pen, a cricket bat how to kick the ball, back then he had a dream for me, i hope his dream turns into reality someday. I owe this man completely. i wish i cld be as good a father to my child as he was to me
My mother omg!!...she fights with me every single day!..haha...but i love it! :) n love her :)
My mom to put it simply is a fighter. She has stood up to many difficulties in her life! it has pained me to see her go through so much trouble in her life. i have been a bad child for her , I just wished i had the guts to tell my mom "mummy I'm Sorry!" I always disobey her and fight with her for silliest reasons. I only would like to tell her sorry for the bad I've said, for worrying her sick. My Mom has done everything right in her life and I'm thank ful to her. I hope she looks at me and feels proud some day. I hope i can do at least half of the things you have done for me. I have never told her i love her, i hope i don't regret it later
My sister haha!!...she is in one word a rock star!..she is soo bloody talented she can make the best run for their money, she is an extremely intelligent, witty and confident girl!. She is already a very very successful person! only a young age. Ive grown up with her. She too has gone through a lot of bad times during her school and college days!, but today when i look at her i can say she is happy with what she is today, her smile is contagious, her style is unique and she is extremely smart.
My Family has been my support over the years. I still remember the time when i used to walk with my dad in our compounds during the rains, holding his finger splashing water every whr. When im writing this post i remember every time my parents have got me something i wanted to have. i remember my mother fighting with the principal for my admissions in junior kg. i remember every time my sister has helped me out with my school/college projects even though she was very busy and when i did well i dint even thank her. i wish i could go back to an early age and relive those golden years once again and try to be a better son and a better brother. I owe my family big time! i wish i could just one day tell them all a big thank you!
today at the cross roads of my life, my family is my greatest support when i see my dad who has retired i wish to reach out to him and be his friend but i dnt knw how to, my mother who is trying he best to every thing perfectly for us, i wish i could hug her just with my all my heart!
Well sorry for penning down a bit too much about my family, but i didnt know any other way to go about this post. Im sure most of u reading this port would have similar feelings for ur family as well! :)
Until next time!!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
i am 20 friggin years old now. Wow! 20 years have passed in my life, right from kindergarten up to graduating! years have passed, exams have come and gone, birthdays have rolled on, lectures after lectures and some more!, tuition's, bunking every damn thing related with schooling. Exams yes!...the dreaded exams! Exams would usually be moments of agony and stress. As for me, i never really managed to finish my portion ever for any subject or for any exam in my life. Although i did manage to out do my self in each exam that came along moreover i had also perfected the art of copying :p. Exams were usually followed by Vacations! and big huge smiles on every1s faces partly because exams had just finished and also because of the impeding leisure and party time!!!!!! \m/!
Vacations were time away from school, pleasure trips or even a trip abroad.
My Vacations were mixture of pure bliss and some rather vague and dragging or u can say plain bout boring moments. Moments of sheer agony and pain to moments of laughter fun and games
Yes Vacations have been a mixed bag of emotions for me!...i still remember growing up as a shy and timid child only mixing around with close friends used to have a tough time during vacations in the early years. My holidays back then say wen i was like 6-10 year olds were quiet a riot but with only close friends. Ours was a gang of 5 me, Akshay, Allen, Ameya n usually the 5th was either Dipayan or Bharat. We did all weired stuff during our vacations or we thought 'twas weired for our age i.e. climbing tress just to hide during hide and seek, playing cricket from 11 in the morning until 2 and then again in the evening at 5, when it was dark we played cricket under the tube light ha ha!...those were mad days. My dad, whenever he was around, always took me out for a ride in his new Maruti 800 back then. We usually ended up going for drives to Virar lake, Powai lake, Aarey Colony or the National Park, i still remember every afternoon whenever he was in Bombay we the awesome twosome headed out for drives. He liked driving i just liked sitting in the front seat of a car, oh well the thought of sitting in a car just excited me
As time passed by i entered my adolescence vacations passed by, i was never a guy to take up hobbies during vacations(oh how! wrong was I!) i usually ended up playing down in our apartment wasting time! However i was still a back bencher and less than confident kid. I sure as hell couldn't speak for nuts in public, basically my public speaking sucked, u can i was confined to the world just in my building. So this one vacation i guess after my std 8 exams my mother decided to enroll me in this public speaking class in gyan ashram opposite our building. I really thought that this would be boring and stupid, i mean i thought i was OK just a little shy thats it. So bang on first day i get a shock this isn't actually a personality development workshop it is an acting come personality development class heh heh! back then standing on stage let alone acting was difficult enough. I came home and fought with my parents to get me out of there, i felt pathetic after day 1 it self. But the teacher there was adamant so i went along! n there u have it! 2months later i was completely re-born confident, smart and witty heh heh...i also discovered this hidden talent in me acting!, i ended up wining quiet a few awards down the years as well.
Years rolled on, vacations rolled on, time was spent now in usually taking up a hobby which ended up being acting/dramatics. Friends grew up in ventured out or shifted in other localities or went abroad. Time playing was taken over By time spent on the pc usally playing games and chatting and hence becoming fat!...:p....
My current vacations although not even a month has passed have been the most boring and painful times.
I am currently doing nothing except for typing meeting friends and physical excericises gymming and yoga.
I say painful because i am on the verge of splitting with my girl friend of 1 year whom i love very much! but there are circumstances one really cant control. Right now i working on my health and waiting for the art of living course for which i have enrolled to commence!...i would wish to start working but only after AOL!....this one month has really taken a toll on me mentally. Emotional Control is the name of the game!...
Well this was my 1st blog nothing great but hey when u begin at the bottom, there is only way to go that is above!!..