I am single! :D committed to no one and nothing in particualar. Single again after a good relationship but didnt work out for some reasons, although my my ex did let me down a bit but i am over it after all i am here to be happy and not hate any one! Though she is one amazing woman!
Fuck sorry I drifted away from the topic on hand.....taking a deeeeeeepppp breath in I exhale saying im FCKING SINGLE :D and it fcking feels good to be fckin single, rahul for fucks sakes stop with the fucks :p....haha. Damn i am having fun! :D, talk to alll the chics in the world I want to, go to the places I want to go to, do the things I want to do, see the movies I want to see. Let me tell you it is a great life and why shouldnt it be?
There is no pressure to find love or to find and emotional support heh heh cause I dont need to find love, I love my self and there are 100's of people out there who love me, so i dont really need "any one" person to love me in particular. The thing is when you love some one you are close to them, you find faults in them. But finding faults destroys love and instead of helping to fill these holes we run away. Staying and helping to fill the gaps is wisdom but anyways...shit i dont know why i am drifting away!
- You can take the time to find the right Woman
By staying contently single you can afford to wait for your true soul mate (if one even exists). You can take your time to wade through the dating pool and wait for the right person.
By holding out for miss right you can avoid a mistake and have a relationship for love rather than for desperation.
Its sad but we guys fall in a relationship for wrong reasons.
- We have reached a certain age
- all our friends have girl friends.
- we are afraid that this one will get away.
by taking your time you can avoid the probabilites of a break up, cuase a break up simply HURTS!.
2. You can focus on your career
You remain free to put in serious thoughts about your work life or the career path you have chosen. Wait for sometime once we are successful hoardes of women will be around! :D
3. You can do what you want and when you want to
You can pick up and go anywhere you want to, do anything you want any time you want. No one is in the background saying that you should grow up!. Free to hang out with buddies, time for personal interests!!...chatting up with different women ha!!..
4. You can enjoy serenity
Being single does not involve fights and mood swings and emotional storms or you blaming her for everything and vice versa.
Although relationships are alot of fun (speaking from my experience) by being single you are keeping the door open to so many options and oppurtunities in your life.
I guess it would have been different if a women had written this post
I dont really rule out dating someone in the near future as well or even getting back with my ex cause hey she is a babe :P...
nice attempt, being single is fun i agree
aaah my man! i see you are happy and that's good... me having gone through the same thing lately :) know how you feel...
ps : don't let the 'freedom' get to you...
:D ...suit urself..infact set urself free..
seems as if u had quite a tumultous rltnship..
hmmm, well i dun quite agree wid ur blog..i dont think its d real u in it u no..sum parts seem kinda fake..as if uv rittin it 4 others jus 2 read n not really wt u feel.
wts d deal wid bein in relationships n not bein able 2 do things u wana??....ofcourse u can go where u want n wen u want...its ur personal choice n basically d understandin u share wid ur partner...lol..anyway im bein frank..i dun think this entry was really needed...u cd hav come up wid sumthin better.
hats of rahul.....anotha gr8 post...totally agree wid ya!!!
wow! sooo many comments i love you guys!
That's what I said before I got to know my girlfriend ;).
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