Sunday, 9 December 2007

Late Late Night Blues

Late at night, for me is the finest time of the 24 hour day. The world around is silent, albeit the dogs remind us that they do have a voice that goes bow-wow at night from time to time. The scene is wonderful if you ask me the early mornings are a close second. Hmmm! the night time the pitch black skies, stars glimmering in the distance. The full moon's rays casting a shadow as I put keyboard to notepad. Lampposts (which are quiet unromantic I believe in and around Mumbai. Yes! you heard me Un Bloody Romantic) light the street below hardly a soul seems to residing on this planet. A Lonely, soulfully lit world it seems. The darkly lit houses only add to the fervor that comes with the night.

It is for me the best time to wander my mind, best time to write, to contemplate, to do everything that seems useless but in actual fact gives me so much pleasure. Just wandering my mind!....making it go crazy with imagination and mental imagery. The thoughts and also the memories create a hazy sense of helplessness and also felicity.

The silent cold night and the music of Robert Allen Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan combine for a wonderful treat of imagery and romance. Bob Dylan and his music which I have discovered in this past year is a vehicle to transport you to some wired imagination always, like it is doing right now. As I see a 21 year old male from Mumbai with dried tears of hope, wearing a brown/black tee shirt, jeans and sneakers. His hands clinging on to his chequered bag holding back himself against unleashing his personality on to the world.

His eyes are a sight to behold if you look closely. Some might find them simple black eyes. but theres something different you can see visuals, for instance of a beautiful young lady, sitting by the seaside, you can see how he yearns to be beside her, to touch her, sit down on that table for two with just the simplest cup of tea or coffee.

But its only the imagination. You feel like finding a magic wand to turn her into reality. You want to hold her and turn her into real but it will not happen. she refuses to turn to reality. So how does it feel to be a complete unknown just like a rolling stone? Ive lost this.

Any one still reading?
Reality is makes one singled out. That is for the useless souls like me who stand, imagine, think and reason why? You stare at people passing you by on any regular Mumbai street everyone seems to be in a hurry you wonder why are they in such a hurry? do they actually even wanna go anywhere? Why do I see majority of the people expressing emotions of frustration and restlessness are they not happy? What might be the reason?

And as the night ends. Just as the sun is about to rise, right after dawn. The dewdrops clinging on to your window pane, the birds beginning to chirp. You suddenly realise that you are infact a bit sleepy.

Good Night Everyone! :)