Ah! The Winds, The Rains, The Waters. The Rains are here and how I love it. The Monsoon is so poetic, so romantic the entire season is like poetry recital calming and exciting!
Masses of dark clouds are arriving from over the Arabian Sea. I had been breathlessly waiting for the monsoon to arrive partly because it was bloody stinking hot and also because quiet simply I am in love with the rains.
The first rains always brings with it happiness but also brings that dusky smell of mud. I still remember those school days :D. The new school year starts on the 13th of June, getting ready for school and also welcoming the arriving monsoon ah those were the days!, walking to school in my school uniform with ankle length high water wearing gumboots, Yes! gumboots I wore em when I was a little kid and I am proud of that. Those moments make me wanna go back in time.
Rains also remind of the water that accumalted in our building compund every single year no matter how many times we tried to improve the drainage system. It was harrowing for the uncle and aunties but we children could care less. The water was a mixture of rain and gutter water :P as i said we could care less so we kids would have our monsoon party splashing water on each other, playing football in it.
Once we were playing football in that very muddy water. So this one guy kicked the ball and the next thing we knew was the guy standing opposite had that muddy yucky water in his mouth hahaha! it was the funniest expression on his face ever. There was this one day, when we would just not stop we were splishing splashing water, shouting, doing the craziest things in this one rainy day put on a nice show for the on-lookers until our mums came down and dragged us home shouting and pulling our ears :p..hahah..

However, over the last few years the charm of the rains in Mumbai has somewhat diminished . Now a days most Mumbaikars hate the rains and everything associated with it. The endless traffic jams, the wet shoes, flooding etc. this more so after 26/7. Ive grown, Mumbai has grown there are alot more people in Mumbai, the cars have doubled from back then. The Infrastructure of the city crumbles agaisnt the might of the monsoon. So you can say with the rains come additional problems for Mumbaikars especially those who have to deal with water accumalating in their houses.
But for eternal romantics like me, I hardly think about these above mentioned gory details. Ok I admit rains back then were alot more fun compared to today. I still remember running in my chaddies around in the building splashing water, playing in every single puddle of water that had collected in the compound.
Rains have so many joys associated with it those warm cup of coffee and cutting chai, waves crashing agains the walls at marine drive/worli, butta, sitting at home doing nothing but just gazing out the window watching the rain drops.
The other day I was talking to my friend Disha "twisted angel" Diwan and she said something really simple yet so true "Mumbai rains havent lost its charm, its just that we've grown up!"
With that I'd end this post. I'd really love to hear some of your experiences of the rains old or new, It would be so nice if you guys wrote in.
Until then I'm singing in the rain, Just singing in the rain, What a glorious feeling ...I am happy again!