When you think of your family, what emotions do you feel? We feel all different emotions, whether it is love, affection, sorrow, grief, anger, resentment, appreciation etc . One thing we all have in common is that the word family will all cause us to feel some emotion and emotions are the life blood of every human.
Our mother, our father, brothers, sisters, grand parents they all have a part in shaping our lives. Our beliefs, our attitudes, our point of views, habits so on so forth these can be usually traced to our child hood when we were impressionable and open minded. Ready to believe whatever our fathers and mothers impressed on us.
We are a family of 4 My Father, My Mother and My Sister.
When i speak of my father the word introvert comes to mind, he is on the whole a quiet man though when with friends can be quiet funny and when drunk!..hhaha...he is hilarious :p.
I still remember my early years in this world when i learnt to walk holding is 1st finger. The man has taught me every damn thing in this world and i haven't even told him thank you. He is the man who used to lay me in the bed when i was a little baby that was long long ago. My father has given my food, clothing, shelter, education, comforts etc. etc. The man has showed honesty through ups and downs. My father used to walk me to school every day when i was in kindergarten, when we bought our car, he drove me there. He taught me how a hold a pen, a cricket bat how to kick the ball, back then he had a dream for me, i hope his dream turns into reality someday. I owe this man completely. i wish i cld be as good a father to my child as he was to me
My mother omg!!...she fights with me every single day!..haha...but i love it! :) n love her :)
My mom to put it simply is a fighter. She has stood up to many difficulties in her life! it has pained me to see her go through so much trouble in her life. i have been a bad child for her , I just wished i had the guts to tell my mom "mummy I'm Sorry!" I always disobey her and fight with her for silliest reasons. I only would like to tell her sorry for the bad I've said, for worrying her sick. My Mom has done everything right in her life and I'm thank ful to her. I hope she looks at me and feels proud some day. I hope i can do at least half of the things you have done for me. I have never told her i love her, i hope i don't regret it later
My sister haha!!...she is in one word a rock star!..she is soo bloody talented she can make the best run for their money, she is an extremely intelligent, witty and confident girl!. She is already a very very successful person!...at only a young age. Ive grown up with her. She too has gone through a lot of bad times during her school and college days!, but today when i look at her i can say she is happy with what she is today, her smile is contagious, her style is unique and she is extremely smart.
My Family has been my support over the years. I still remember the time when i used to walk with my dad in our compounds during the rains, holding his finger splashing water every whr. When im writing this post i remember every time my parents have got me something i wanted to have. i remember my mother fighting with the principal for my admissions in junior kg. i remember every time my sister has helped me out with my school/college projects even though she was very busy and when i did well i dint even thank her. i wish i could go back to an early age and relive those golden years once again and try to be a better son and a better brother. I owe my family big time! i wish i could just one day tell them all a big thank you!
today at the cross roads of my life, my family is my greatest support when i see my dad who has retired i wish to reach out to him and be his friend but i dnt knw how to, my mother who is trying he best to every thing perfectly for us, i wish i could hug her just with my all my heart!
Well sorry for penning down a bit too much about my family, but i didnt know any other way to go about this post. Im sure most of u reading this port would have similar feelings for ur family as well! :)
Until next time!!